During the 4-year project period, three EQA’s were conducted. All EQA’s included benchmarking of national bioinformatics pipelines for WGS-based CCRE resistome profiling and high-risk clone/plasmid identification.
The 1st EQA - October 2022
Test material for analysis in the 1st EQA were FASTA files corresponding to CCRE. Moreover, as an alternative, if the bioinformatics pipeline cannot use FASTA files as input, FASTQ files was also provided.
Report from the 1st external quality assessment exercise
1st EQA protocol and test forms, including guideline for downloading files and submitting results
Presentation of results from first EQA exercise
The 2nd EQA - June 2023
Test material for analysis in the 2nd EQA was pre-isolated DNA correspoding to CCRE, CRAb or CRPa. As an alternative, laboratories could register to receive FASTQ files or FASTA files for analysis.
Report from the 2nd external quality assessment exercise
2nd EQA protocol and test forms, including guideline for submitting sequence files and analysis results
Presentation of results from 2nd EQA exercise
The 3rd EQA - May 2024
Test material for analysis in the 3rd EQA was bacterial cultures and pre-isolated DNA corresponding to CCRE, CRAb and CRPa . As an alternative, laboratories could register to receive FASTQ files or FASTA files for analysis.
EURGen-RefLabCap Report from the 3rd external quality assessment exercise (will be publised when finalised)
3rd EQA protocol and test forms, including guideline for submitting sequence files and analysis results
Presentation of results from 3rd EQA exercise